Medical School Lesson Plan – Headache

Picture the scene…

You see a patient in the “Emergency Department who has a headache. The triage simply says “headache not like his usual migraine”

Learning Objective

To learn about the management of the patient with headache in the Emergency Department.

Task 1 – Read

Task 2 – Listen

Task 3 – Discuss

Task 4 – Summary

Task 5 – Reflect

References and Further Reading

  1. 1
    Neill A. Induction – Headache. RCEM Learning. 2018; published online Feb 6. (accessed June 6, 2020).
  2. 2
    May N. I Can’t Get You Out of my Head – Headache at St Emlyns. St Emlyn’s. 2014; published online Jan 8. (accessed June 6, 2020).
  3. 3
    Mann C. Temporal Arteritis. RCEM Learning. 2012; published online July 10. (accessed June 6, 2020).
  4. 4
    Giant Cell Arteritis. NICE, 2020.
  5. 5
    Carpenter CR, Hussain AM, Ward MJ, et al. Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Describing the Diagnostic Accuracy of History, Physical Examination, Imaging, and Lumbar Puncture With an Exploration of Test Thresholds. Acad Emerg Med 2016; : 963–1003.
  6. 6
    Gray C. Let’s talk about subarachnoid haemorrhage. St Emlyn’s. 2016; published online Jan 7. (accessed June 6, 2020).
  7. 7
    Sayer D, Bloom B, Fernando K, et al. An Observational Study of 2,248 Patients Presenting With Headache, Suggestive of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Who Received Lumbar Punctures Following Normal Computed Tomography of the Head. Acad Emerg Med 2015; : 1267–73.