St Emlyn’s Undergraduate Acute and Emergency Care Curriulum

Welcome to the St Emlyn’s Undergraduate Acute and Emergency Curriculum.

We have suggested learning objectives wiithin each presentation that is included in the GMC Medical Licensing Assessment Content Map for acute and emergency care, ie what medical students are expected to know by the time they finish their training. We have added links to various FOAMed (Free Open Access Medical Education) resources as well as linking all St Emlyn’s content with each presentation.

It is important to note that these are merely our thoughts on what would be appropriate for medical students to be expected to know and do not represent an official curriculum from the GMC.

We have separated the presentations into two groups: Major (life threatening emergencies) and Acute.

Major Presentations


Cardiorespiratory arrest

Major Trauma

The Septic Patient

The shocked patient

The Unconscious Patient

Acute Presentations

Abdominal PainBreathlessnesssHead injury
Abnormal urinalysisBurnsHeadache
Acid-base disordersChest painLacerations and soft tissue injury
Acute pain managementChronic pain managementOverdose and self harm
Acute kidney injuryCyanosisPoisoning
Back painDehydrationStridor
Bleeding in pregnancyDeteriorating patientSubstance misuse
Bleeding from the upper GI tractElectrolyte abnormalitySyncope
Bleeding from the lower GI tractEpistaxisVomiting

Abdominal Pain

Abnormal Urinalysis

Acid Base Disorders

Acute Pain Management

Acute Kidney Injury

Back Pain

Bleeding in Pregnancy

Bleeding from the Lower GI Tract

Bleeding from the Upper GI Tract



Chest Pain

Chronic Pain Management



Deteriorating Patient

Electrolyte Abnormality


Head Injury


Lacerations and soft tissue injury

Overdose and self harm



Substance Misuse




Whilst preparing the curriculum and links to resources I have been reminded of the astonishing array of high quality medical education websites. Below are links to the homepage of each. We all owe a huge debt of gratitude to all of those who spend hours preparing and maintaining these fantastic websites.